SHRM Annual Conference

ContaminAction & Study Smart Italy will organize an Italian delegation to SHRM 2020 Annual Conference & Exposition in San Diego ( June 28th , July 1st , 2020). With more than 22.000 delegates from all over the world, 40 international delegations and more than 200 concurrent sessions, #SHRM20 is the go to event globally in HR.

Participating in the Italian delegation will ensure you:

  • A special price for the conference registration (up to 50% discount off the full
  • A streamlined registration process and access to a single point of contact at SHRM to provide
    personal assistance before and during the conference
  • Global Lounge, with a dedicated space for networking with other international delegates
  • International Attendee Orientation, This informative session is highly recommended for new
    and returning international attendees to network and learn how to get the most out of
  • International Reception, A festive invitation-only networking reception, this event is a great
    opportunity to start your conference networking with attendees from around the world
  • Global HR Sessions and Roundtables
  • Marco Autorino
    Study Smart Director Italy and CEO ContaminAction Education & Sustainability

  • Università degli Studi di Roma
    Tor Vergata
    Nuovo Complesso del Rettorato
    Via Cracovia, 90 (edificio E)

  • +39-3489318010

Stay tuned with our Linkedin page!

Join My Delegation
